How do you find valuable stocks when there are 6,000+ securities on US exchanges?

You can’t, unless you have a system in place.

How do you filter out the bad apples from the good ones?

As investors, we usually struggle with these 3 things:

#1 Sourcing

Most investors look at financial metrics such as fundamentals and market data to find stocks.

But all those metrics come with information bias and calculation standards.

Which one to choose and trust?

And how many should you choose if one is not enough?

Three? Five? A dozen?

Too many financial metrics can become quickly overwhelming to follow, all for uncertain results.

#2 Execution​

Then there are stock prices.

What price should I use to buy stocks?

Are some prices better than others?

If so, which ones?

Finding a well positioned price is the most challenging task for an investor.

You don’t want to be the market fool.

#3 Monitoring​

This is often neglected by new investors.

But we all know this stage is crucial.

Do you have an exit strategy in place?

How long should you wait before selling?

How high should you wait before you sell?

How low before you cut your losses?

With 6,000+ possibilities for losing money on US exchanges, you want to fight back with a real system, from sourcing to execution to exit.

Money losing stocks are like zombies, they keep coming back and not die.

You need some serious fire power to take them down.

And our system have that serious fire power.

If you need a real system to source, execute and monitor your stocks, start here and we will take care of all these painful tasks for you.