Building your wealth with stocks is going to require some planning and a lot of discipline. Here is what to expect to start your journey to financial success. #1 Finding great stocks is hard, it requires a lot of time and skills, some luck, and a great methodology, which is… ( Read More )
How long should you keep your stocks
How long should you keep a stock? 3 months? 6 months? 5 years? If you ask yourself these questions, keep reading, this is for you. Holding stocks come with maintenance responsability. Picking stocks is only half the journey, the hard part is maintaining those stocks in a portfolio. And this… ( Read More )
The 60/40 Allocation Model is dead
Because there are 6,000+ stocks that could make you lose money in stocks investors would traditionally avoid this by putting 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds. Today, a lot of retail investors still follow that 60/40 rule but does it still make sense? I don’t think it does. Benjamin… ( Read More )
Another way to invest in stocks if you don’t know how
Stocks can be brutal. You have 6,000+ ways to lose money on the stock market. Knowing which stocks are safe to invest is not easy. Because most of us don’t know how to find safe stocks. And if we are looking for that one hot stock that will change our… ( Read More )
Where to invest if you have little financial knowledge
With 6,000+ ways to lose money on the stock market, how do you find stocks that will not lose all your money? If the first thing you do is go on social media like Reddit to find stocks pitch, stop right there! You are going to lose all your money.… ( Read More )
3 things most investors struggle with
How do you find valuable stocks when there are 6,000+ securities on US exchanges? You can’t, unless you have a system in place. How do you filter out the bad apples from the good ones? As investors, we usually struggle with these 3 things: #1 Sourcing Most investors look at… ( Read More )
What to do when your stocks are down
Markets have been down for the last few weeks, your favorite stock, Apple or Telsa, has been down 20% and you are starting to have cold sweats and sleepless nights like it’s the end of the world. Is it time to panic, call it quit and sell all your shares?… ( Read More )
5 things to know before you start buying stocks
You just opened an invesment accout with your favorite “commission free” broker, put some serious money into it, and now you don’t know what to do next. Which stock should I buy? And how do you place an order to buy your first stock? and what are all those order… ( Read More )
How to open your investment account
You have decided to start investing but you are having trouble to know where or how to open an investment account. You think the financial world is very confusing with so many options out there, so where do you start, because this is really all very frustrating at the moment.… ( Read More )
Is it safe to invest in stocks?
You want to invest in stocks but are they really safe or even an option for you? Here is what you need to know before you start investing in stocks. #1 Stocks can be brutal Buying stocks is fundamentally risky and not safe. The price of a stock varies constantly,… ( Read More )
The 5 Most Annoying Things you are Too Busy to be doing with your money in 2022
It’s a new year and for busy people this is a time to re-evaluate how you are spending your time. Here are five time-consuming financial tasks that those who have better things to do are too busy to be spending your time on in 2022. Tracking gains, losses, and cost… ( Read More )
Why are Cryptos and Bitcoins dangerous
Everyone talks about cryptos, etherum, bitcoins, dodgecoins, how they are the next big things and how they are going to make you rich and change the world. But is that true? Can they actually deliver on their ambitious promises? Here is what you need to know about cryptos and why… ( Read More )
Start Investing like you would Bake a Cake
Starting to invest can be overwhelming for many people. It can be comforting to liken it to the process of baking a cake. In this blog you’ll learn the first things you need to do if you are taking your first steps in investing. Welcome to the Investment Bakery It… ( Read More )
How to become a smarter investor
The question of how to become a smarter investor is one that an investor needs to confront at one time or another if he or she wants to achieve his or her financial targets. Answering this question is not easy but it can start with finding new intelligent investment ideas… ( Read More )
How to invest your money without messing it up
You just got your annual bonus or a big sales commission, found out you are unexpectedly receiving an inheritance from a long lost aunt, or maybe after years of savings you have this large amount of money sitting there earning 0.5% on a CD. Now you’re sitting there staring at… ( Read More )
What you should know about Direct Indexing
While most of us invest in passive portfolios for our IRA account, simply because we don’t have the time or resources to select the best portfolio managers to do it for us, there is a new investing product at our disposal that empowers us to start investing like professional portfolio… ( Read More )
Should you let a Roboadvisor manage your 401(k)?
Digital advisors, also called roboadvisors, are a popular option for many people’s individual brokerage accounts. But should you let a digital advisor manage your 401(k)? The way most people invest their 401(k)s seems innocuous but in fact is a bit neglectful; here’s why turning it over to a digital platform… ( Read More )
How to Start Investing with a Roboadvisor in 3 Easy Steps
Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to use a webapp to manage your money. People who make this choice usually spend their time and money efficiently and using such a platform will allow you to do this. But in order to get the most value for your time and money invested,… ( Read More )
5 Things Financial Advisors Do That Make You Lose Money
Managing money is hard. We love to think that all financial advisors are greedy players like Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, but the reality is they are not. It takes a lot of dedication, persistence, and ability to endure humbling experiences to win clients. And… ( Read More )
5 Investing Lessons from Shark Tank That Could Make You a Wiser and Better Investor
They’re not Wall Street tycoons, but they are the some of the world’s savviest and most successful businesspeople. Shark Tank isn’t known for its lessons about the stock market, but that doesn’t mean that people who are investing on their own or with the help of a digital platform can’t… ( Read More )
Are you a “Do Not Disturb” investor?
The industry categorizes its participants in different ways – value investor, growth investor, GARP investor, etc. Little attention however is paid to this rare and overlooked breed – the Do Not Disturb investor. If you’re new to this term, here are the characteristics of a Do Not Disturb (DND) and… ( Read More )
How Much Time It Actually Takes to Invest Your Own Money
It can be shocking to look at how we spend our time. It’s common for successful people to look at their investment portfolios as a hobby – but should it be that way for you? Here is an estimate of how much time it will take you as a DIY… ( Read More )
4 Human Flaws that Stops You from Managing Your Money Better
It’s not your fault, you’re only human. But because you are a mere mortal, you’re bound to be making some, let’s say, suboptimal decisions. Humans have systematic biases—as psychologists have proven again and again—that can get in the way of the best intentions. This is particularly the case with money.… ( Read More )
How to choose your Investment Professional
One central factor to consider for choosing an investment professional is to know what type of compensation they receive: fee based or commission based. Those two types of compensation are today at the very center of a long heated debate in the financial industry regarding transparency, disclosures and professional duties.… ( Read More )
Boost Your Savings with the Ideal Asset Allocation
Asset allocation is a methodology that involves building an investment portfolio around asset classes — including stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, and other investments. Nothing affects your long-term returns more than a good asset allocation plan. Rule #1 – Diversify Your Portfolio We all get the basic principles of “don’t… ( Read More )
What is an Investment Portfolio?
A portfolio is a combination of different investment assets mixed and matched for the purpose of achieving risk diversification for an investor’s financial goals. Items that are considered a part of your portfolio can include any asset you own – from real items such as art and real estate, to… ( Read More )
How much savings should I have?
How much should you have saved throughout your life? This is a question you should be asking yourself sooner than later. According to a recent Bank of America survey, a surprising 16% of Millennials between the ages of 23 and 37 now have at least $100,000 saved for retirement. Some… ( Read More )
My first investment: Savings and CDs
It’s a financial jungle out there, where to start for a first investment? Putting money into a savings account should be your first step to investing. Building up your savings from your monthly paycheck (say 15%) should be considered as your first investment since your savings account will generate annual… ( Read More )
4 Essential Investment Products You Should Know
Investment products are investment securities that are sold to individuals and institutions by investment banks. Here is a quick description of the main investment securities: Bonds Also labelled fixed-income securities, the term bond is commonly used to refer to any securities that are founded on debt. When you purchase a… ( Read More )
What is Investment Banking?
You probably heard that term before, but what is it really ? A bank like any other banks ? Actually it’s not like any other bank. An investment bank provides a variety of services designed to assist an individual or business to increase their wealth. This is very different from… ( Read More )