The 60/40 Allocation Model is dead

Because there are 6,000+ stocks that could make you lose money in stocks investors would traditionally avoid this by putting 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds. Today, a lot of retail investors still follow that 60/40 rule but does it still make sense? I don’t think it does. Benjamin… ( Read More )

How to choose your Investment Professional

One central factor to consider for choosing an investment professional is to know what type of compensation they receive: fee based or commission based. Those two types of compensation are today at the very center of a long heated debate in the financial industry regarding transparency, disclosures and professional duties.… ( Read More )

What is an Investment Portfolio?

A portfolio is a combination of different investment assets mixed and matched for the purpose of achieving risk diversification for an investor’s financial goals. Items that are considered a part of your portfolio can include any asset you own – from real items such as art and real estate, to… ( Read More )

My first investment: Savings and CDs

It’s a financial jungle out there, where to start for a first investment? Putting money into a savings account should be your first step to investing. Building up your savings from your monthly paycheck (say 15%) should be considered as your first investment since your savings account will generate annual… ( Read More )

What is Investment Banking?

You probably heard that term before, but what is it really ? A bank like any other banks ? Actually it’s not like any other bank. An investment bank provides a variety of services designed to assist an individual or business to increase their wealth. This is very different from… ( Read More )

What is an Investment?

An investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or will appreciate in the future. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth. In… ( Read More )