What are Market Indexes?

Stock market indexes are by far the most widely used tools in making investment decisions. But many investors take for granted what market indexes are and the many roles they play within their portfolio strategy and throughout the financial ecosystem. In this article, we’ll take apart the core structure of… ( Read More )

What is an Investment Portfolio?

A portfolio is a combination of different investment assets mixed and matched for the purpose of achieving risk diversification for an investor’s financial goals. Items that are considered a part of your portfolio can include any asset you own – from real items such as art and real estate, to… ( Read More )

What are Bonds?

Though bonds as an investment class don’t generate the highest returns, they have their own appeal. They offer portfolio diversification, generate steady returns even in the face of a highly volatile investment environment, provide tax advantages and more. If you don’t know what bonds are and want to learn how… ( Read More )

What is Investment Banking?

You probably heard that term before, but what is it really ? A bank like any other banks ? Actually it’s not like any other bank. An investment bank provides a variety of services designed to assist an individual or business to increase their wealth. This is very different from… ( Read More )

What is an Investment?

An investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or will appreciate in the future. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth. In… ( Read More )