What are Market Indexes?

Stock market indexes are by far the most widely used tools in making investment decisions. But many investors take for granted what market indexes are and the many roles they play within their portfolio strategy and throughout the financial ecosystem. In this article, we’ll take apart the core structure of… ( Read More )

Should you put money into REITs?

One of the least appreciated economic developments of the past decade of recovery from the 2008 financial collapse is the dramatic upswing in value of both commercial and residential real estate. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s monthly home sales report, the average home price at the apex of the… ( Read More )

Should You Invest In Marijuana Stocks?

Marijuana refers to the plant scientifically known as cannabis; more specifically, three recognized species include Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis. The cannabis plant is a source of over 400 compounds, including 60 cannabinoids. Of the 60 cannabinoids, two in particular, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or dronabinol, and cannabidiol, are the… ( Read More )

Should you invest in Commodities?

If you’re already an investor, commodity trading can serve to diversify your portfolio. Commodities can be anything from oil to gold or silver to coffee, sugar and wheat. Unlike certain investments, commodities can hold and gain value over time. They can also be less risky. You’re not buying an intangible… ( Read More )

What are Bonds?

Though bonds as an investment class don’t generate the highest returns, they have their own appeal. They offer portfolio diversification, generate steady returns even in the face of a highly volatile investment environment, provide tax advantages and more. If you don’t know what bonds are and want to learn how… ( Read More )

Why People Invest in Stocks?

Why People Invest in Stocks Investing in stocks can be a good way to build wealth. Due to the magic of compound interest, a small initial investment can eventually grow to a treasure trove, if properly managed. For example, the world’s most famous investor, Warren Buffett started investing in equities… ( Read More )